

The MERO research laboratory is a research and education forum located in Tulamben, Bali, that actively engages in marine research and local development. Planned projects include a research study into bacterial symbionts of bryozoans and sponges, and a community project that involves opening a Bengkel Plastik and Plastic Exchange.

Other activities

Guest lectures in 2022

This teaching event hosted by our guest lecturer was great success and allowed us to introduce the MERO Foundation to national participants. As a result, the MERO Foundation, its facilities, and its activities have become better known within the marine science community.

From January through July of 2022, we hosted one guest lecturer event. The list of speakers and their topics can be seen below.

Kuliah Umum di Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung.

  • Dita Cahyani, Ph.D.
    • Pengantar Bioteknologi kelautan dengan Metode Genetika Molekuler
  • Rhesi Kristiana
    • Potensi dan Pengaruh Pemanasan Global terhadap Mikroba Asosiasi Invertebrata Laut
Other activities

MoU Meetings in 2022

MoU meetings currently still take place online because of pandemic-related restrictions still being in place. As a result of MBKM activities hosted by the MERO Foundation, several universities have made MoU’s. With these MoU’s, the MERO Foundation can help students hone their hard and soft skills, especially in the field and in the laboratory.

The following is a list of universities that have had or have planned an MoU with the MERO Foundation in 2022.

  • Universitas Udayana MoU MBKM
  • Universitas Warmadewa MoU MBKM
  • Universitas Padjajawan MoU MBKM
  • Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Grants and Events

Ocean Coastal Conservancy Grant

The MERO Foundation received funding from TeamSeas and the International Coastal Clean Up (ICC) for marine conservation activities. These include beach, river, and underwater cleaning activities in the Muntig area, Karangasem, Bali.

The funding also supports activities such as educating children in Muntig Village about the harm plastic waste does to the ecosystem and the importance of keeping the environment clean from plastic waste. The activities last for a year from July 2022 until June 2023.

Therefore, the MERO Foundation is now looking for volunteers with high enthusiasm for empowering local communities and preserving an ecosystem that is free of plastic waste for a better future. Are you such a person? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Grants and Events

MERO Foundation 2022 Workshop Series #1

This webinar was the first in a series of workshops by the MERO Foundation. It aimed to introduce how to use MEGA X for sequence analysis and the creation of simple phylogenetic trees.

The webinar was held on Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 on Zoom. Signups totaled 28 of predominantly lecturers and researchers from various institutions and universities.

This workshop’s instructor was Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, Ph.D, a lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) at Diponegoro University.

Grants and Events

MERO Foundation 2022 Webinar Series #1

This webinar was the first in a series of webinars by the MERO Foundation. It aimed to disseminate the potential of microbial associations in marine invertebrates in Indonesian waters and the role of ecology based on chemical reactions in the ecosystem.

The webinar was held on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 on Zoom. Signups totaled 97 people from different institutions and universities.

Two speakers hosted the webinar, namely:

  • Dr. Ernesto Mollo
    • Marine Chemical Ecology and Secondary Metabolites
  • Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa
    • Marine Microbial Symbiont
Grants and Events

MERO Foundation Information Day

This webinar was the start of a series of webinars by the MERO Foundation throughout 2022. With it, we introduced the MERO Foundation and went in-depth into its workings for interested researchers. This series of workshops is intended to connect researchers with the MERO Foundation and create opportunities for research collaborations. Participants will gain an understanding of the kind of research and activities that the MERO Foundation facilitates with specialized testing equipment, the MERO laboratory, and expertise that participants may find useful for their research.

The webinar was held on Friday, April 15, 2022 via Zoom. Signups totaled 180 people from various institutions and universities.

This webinar’s speaker was Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc. Ph.D who presented material titled “Key role of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) on Research and Capacity Building in Indonesia“.

Grants and Events

ITSF Grant

MERO Foundation obtained the Indonesia Toray Science Foundation 2021 Grant with research titled: “Assessment of Biological Activity of bacteria associated with Nudibranch from Tulamben of Bali through microbiome approach against MDR Pathogens“.

By Chief Researcher Dr. Rhesi Kristiana and researchers (1) Dr. I Wayan Mudianta, Ph.D and (2) Dr. Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani.

Grants and Events

Earth Optimism for Access

In February of 2022, the MERO Foundation, together with Earth Optimism for Access, held an event organized by ACCESS Indonesia, RELO, and IIEEF. The event lasted for 10 days from February 7 until February 16. The goal was to create interesting and engaging experiences themed around marine conservation.

Participants received diving training and certification allowing them to actively participate in coral reef planting activities with the Diver Clean Action (DCA) community. In addition, participants were shown how to effectively sort waste and turn plastic waste into something with selling value.


River & Beach Clean-up in 2022

River & Beach Clean-up is an activity where we alternate cleaning the beach and river on the 1st day of each month. We collect waste (mostly plastic) around the beach or river near the MERO Foundation. The waste then gets disposed of at the Tulamben TPS. This is a collaborative effort with members of the Batuniti Fishing Group.

Those involved with the clean-up activity are:

  1. All MERO Foundation staff
  2. MERO Foundation internship students
  3. All members of the Batuniti Fishing Group
  4. Members of the North Bali Reef Foundation

Sunday Class in 2022

Our Sunday classes provide education to students in our direct area of Banjar Dinas Muntig, with a focus on the seas and aquatic life, and on materials that improve students’ ability to use English. In addition, the MERO Foundation is also trying to increase students’ awareness for maintaining cleanliness and preservation of the marine environment by involving them in beach cleaning and waste sorting activities.

Class activities take place every Sunday and occasionally on other days as well. In carrying out these weekly activities, MERO Foundation is assisted by staff from the Suwandi Foundation. We started with Sunday Classes in November of 2020 and a total of 64 students have taken part so far.


MERO Foundation assists student from the University of Brawijaya in Malang with their thesis

On June 13, 2022, Mochammad Alfir Yuanda, student of Marine Science at the University of Brawijaya and who previously participated in the PKL program at the MERO Foundation, has returned to do his thesis research. He is studying and doing testing on antibacterial activity of sponge-association bacteria.

His research is currently ongoing.


MERO Foundation assists student from Hasanuddin University in Makassar with their thesis

On February 19 – July 10, 2022, Chika Edenia, student of Marine Science at Universitas Brawijaya and who previously participated in the PKL program at the MERO Foundation, has returned to do her thesis research.

Her thesis research project is titled: “Isolation and Antibacterial Activity Test of Nudibranch Association Bacterial Isolates against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria“.


PKL-participant from Brawijaya University returns to MERO Foundation for her thesis research.

On February 19 – July 10, 2022, Chika Edenia, student of Marine Science at Universitas Brawijaya and who previously participated in the PKL program at the MERO Foundation, has returned to do her thesis research.

Her thesis research project is titled: “Isolation and Antibacterial Activity Test of Nudibranch Association Bacterial Isolates against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria“.


Four students from Ganesha University of Education accepted for the PKL program

The MERO Foundation accepted four students from the Chemical Analyst D3 Program of Ganesha University of Education. The PKL program runs from February 7 until April 7, 2022. The four PKL students and their submitted research topics, are as follows.

  • Ni Nengah Feby Dwi Ningrum
    • Extraction of Actinomycetes
  • Ni Putu Anita Narayanti
    • Extraction of Actinomycetes
  • Ketut Enny Okta Ardiani
    • Bacterial Extraction
  • Made Gina Mahayati
    • Bacterial Extraction

Two students from Udayana University accepted for MBKM internships

MERO Foundation has opened its doors for the MBKM internship program, a new internship program designed by the Indonesian government that provides opportunities for students to develop their hard and soft skills in the field. The first MBKM internship students to be accepted by the MERO Foundation, are from the Biology Study Program at Udayana University. The MBKM internships take for 1 semester (4 months) to complete and last from February 1 until June 13, 2022. Each student submitted a topic for their research, which are as follows.

  • Putu Triska Amelia Astuti
    • Examination of Morphological Characteristics of Marine Invertebrates (Nudibranchs, Sponges, and Bryozoa) using SEM.
  • Ni Kadek Ayu Kutariyani
    • Antibacterial Activity of Nudibranch Symbiont Bacteria, Sponges, and Bryozoa.

One PKL student from Diponegoro University accepted for an internship

MERO Foundation accepted 1 PKL student from Marine Science Study Program, Diponegoro University, for an internship January 3 until February 4 of 2022.

Aditya Dwiputra Wirayudha, a 6th semester student, with their study topic proposal being: “Antibacterial Activity from Nudibranch Symbiont Bacteria“.

Other activities

MoU Meetings in 2021

Having MoU meetings in an online environment turns out to be quite effective, as they have resulted in several visits by lecturers and students doing their internships at the MERO Foundation.

The following is a list of universities that have done online MoUs with the MERO Foundation.

  • College of Pharmacy (STIFAR), Semarang
  • Sriwijaya University (UNSRI), Sumatra
Other activities

Guest lectures in 2021

Throughout September and November of 2021, we were excited to several guest lecturers who did an excellent job at introducing the MERO Foundation to national participants. The event  introduced attendees to MERO Foundation’s activities and programs.

We hosted six guest lecturers at the MERO Foundation. We thank them for their participation. They are from:

  • World Class Professor – UNDIP
  • Research Journeh UKM Farmasea – UNDIP
  • Gedor Lawang – KSK UGM
  • Fine Tunning article – UNDIP, ITB, IPB
  • Program 3-in-1 Mengajar – Universitas Brawijaya
  • Peringatan Hari Maritim Nasional-Echolocation
Grants and Events

Forum Group Discussion, Bali

MERO Foundation Research Discussion and  Laboratory Tour

The MERO Foundation Research Discussion and Laboratory Tour of the Forum Group Discussion, Bali is a year-end event held on December 15. With this event, the MERO Foundation is introduced to potential collaborators and allows for the discussion of future partnership opportunities for the development of scientific education and research in Indonesia, with a focus on the Bali province.

In 2021, the topic was “Building Synergy for Marine Research in Bali”. The forum, held on-site at the MERO Foundation, was attended by 16 representatives from 9 agencies in Bali. Participants expressed interest in the MERO Foundation as a potential partner for the development of education and research, and are interested in an MoU.

Grants and Events

International Forum Group Discussion

On November 26, 2021, MERO Foundation held an International Forum Group Discussion online and through Zoom. This forum aims to introduce the MERO Foundation to international colleagues and collaborators and discuss potential future partnerships in the development of education and scientific research. We thank the five international collaborators who participated. They are:

  • Gerard Pals
  • Tilt Schaberle
  • Stefan Ogard
  • Kennet Lundin
  • Klas Malmberg
Grants and Events

Meet My Lab X JFS

Climate Change – Innovation & Global Health (Marine Biology)

The MERO Foundation was invited to speak at Meet My Lab x JFS, which focuses on marine biology, sustainable fisheries & aquaculture. The event was held virtually on Zoom. Besides the MERO Foundation, there were three other speakers from Petra Christian University, Indonesia; Naturalist Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Netherlands; and SINTEF, Norway. The MERO Foundation presented topics for potential collaborative research and conducted a virtual laboratory tour.

Grants and Events

Paid Workshop

“Dealing with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS – Amplicon-based) Data with a Web-Based Platform: An Intro to Galaxy”

For the first paid workshop hosted by the MERO Foundation, we discussed the application of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and microbiome analysis (DNA metabarcoding) for biodiversity (marine) research.

A variety of tools are used to analyze 16S data from NGS/DNA metabarcoding, including: FastQC, CutAdapt, DADA2, Vsearch, and taxonomy assignment using the SILVA database.

The first of these workshops was held on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 on Zoom. The workshop started at 9 am and lasted until 3 pm. We thank all 26 participants from 14 universities and 5 different institutions for their participation.

Grants and Events

Meet My Lab X JFS

Climate Change – Resilience & Adaptation

MERO Foundation registered to take part in the Meet My Lab X JFS activity which will be held on September 9, 2021. Meet My Lab x JFS is a collaborative event between EURAXESS ASEAN and the Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme.

To support bilateral research projects between Southeast Asia and Europe, Meet My Lab x JFS speakers presented their laboratories with specialized features and facilities for potential study opportunities. This way, researchers from Southeast Asia and Europe gained insight into specialized laboratories and facilities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.

MERO Foundation was selected to present and explain opportunities for collaborative research topics. Besides us, other researchers from Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia were also present as speakers. As a way to introduce the MERO Foundation laboratory to viewers, we conducted a live laboratory tour using Zoom. This meeting was broadcasted live on the EURAXESS ASEAN YouTube channel. To date, the video recording of the Meet My Lab x JFS event has been watched 275 times.

Grants and Events

Webinar Series

Next Generation Sequencing, Microbiome, and Big Data Analysis: How do we start and what can we do

This workshop was carried out in collaboration with a research team consisting of:

  • Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, Ph.D.
  • Aji Wahyu Anggoro, Ph.D. candidate
  • Yuliana Fitri Syamsuni, M.Si.
  • Eka Maya Kurniasih, M.Si.
  • Danie El Malik, S.Si

This webinar is part of a two-part series of webinars and paid workshops hosted by the MERO Foundation. The workshops introduce participants to analyzing sequence data generated from Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to answer related research questions.

Participants will not only gain knowledge about data analysis, but also about the MERO Foundation and our activities, facilities, and supporting laboratories and expertise that participants may find useful in performing their research. As such, this workshop is intended as a bridge between researchers and the MERO Foundation and to facilitate future research collaborations.

The speakers for the webinars are:

  • Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani
    • Navigating Microbiome Research: Basic Understanding and Potential Future Projects.
  • Aji Wahyu Anggoro
    • Resources, Challenges, and Opportunities: Using Online Tools to Analyze Microbiome Data.
Grants and Events

National Fisheries and Marine Dean Forum

In June 2021, the MERO Foundation participated in the National Fisheries and Marine Dean Forum on Zoom. Our goal in this meeting was to introduce the MERO Foundation to the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at universities throughout Indonesia.

The event was attended by 36 FP2TPKI members, spanning 18 agencies. The MERO Foundation held MoUs with universities, many of which expressed a sincere interest in an on-site visit to the MERO Foundation.

The event was a success, as participants responded positively and expressed an interest in MoUs, on-site meetings, and more.


Plastic Waste Exchange Continued

The exchange of plastic waste is an activity implemented by Plastic Exchange Bali. The community collects plastic waste that has been sorted and, on a predetermined date, exchanges it for basic necessities. In addition to basic necessities, plastic waste can be exchanged for Rp. 1.000/kg of waste. Our students who take part in the Sunday class sell their collected waste and the money earned is used for subsequent waste exchange activities.

Those involved with the clean-up activity are:

  1. All MERO Foundation staff
  2. MERO Foundation internship students
  3. All members of the Batuniti Fishing Group
  4. Members of the North Bali Reef Foundation

The PKL internship allowed students to master their chosen topics and the end results were very positive. Students actively participated and showed discipline during activities at MERO, both in the laboratory and local development programs. Interns also participated in educating children during our Sunday Classes.


River & Beach Clean-up in 2021

River & Beach Clean-up is an activity where we alternate cleaning the beach and river on the 1st day of each month. We collect waste (mostly plastic) around the beach or river near the MERO Foundation. The waste then gets disposed of at the Tulamben TPS. This is a collaborative effort with members of the Batuniti Fishing Group.

Those involved with the clean-up activity are:

  1. All MERO Foundation staff
  2. MERO Foundation internship students
  3. All members of the Batuniti Fishing Group
  4. Members of the North Bali Reef Foundation

The PKL internship allowed students to master their chosen topics and the end results were very positive. Students actively participated and showed discipline during activities at MERO, both in the laboratory and local development programs. Interns also participated in educating children during our Sunday Classes.


Sunday Class in 2021

Our Sunday classes provide education to students in our direct area of Banjar Dinas Muntig, with a focus on the seas and aquatic life, and on materials that improve students’ ability to use English.

Class activities take place every Sunday and occasionally on other days as well. In carrying out these weekly activities, MERO Foundation is assisted by staff from the Suwandi Foundation. We started with Sunday Classes in November of 2020 and a total of 64 students have taken part so far.

Several institutions and communities were kind enough to provide teaching materials. We are grateful for:

  • BIONESIA: For providing teaching material about turtles
  • Foreigners from the Suwandi Foundation
  • Balinese Plastic Face

Two students from Gajah Mada University accepted for internships

MERO Foundation accepted 2 PKL students from the Biology Study Program, Gajah Mada University, for internships from December 21, 2021 until January 30, 2022. They are 5th semester students with their proposed topics as follows.

  1. Fitroh Retno
    • Identification and Antibacterial Testing against Sponge Symbiont Bacteria.
  2. Putri Dian
    • Identification and Antibacterial Testing against Bryozoa Symbiont Bacteria.

The PKL internship allowed students to master their chosen topics and the end results were very positive. Students actively participated and showed discipline during activities at MERO, both in the laboratory and local development programs. Interns also participated in educating children during our Sunday Classes.


One student from Sriwijaya University accepted for an internship

MERO Foundation accepted 1 PKL student from Marine Science, Sriwijaya University, for an internship from December 12, 2021 until January 28, 2022.

They are a 5th semester student with their study topic proposal being: The Identification and Ability Test of Oil Spill Degrading Bacteria at Padang Bai Harbor, Bali.


SEM Analysis by the College of Pharmacy (STIFAR) in Semarang

On December 9, lecturers and students from the College of Pharmacy (STIFAR) in Semarang had the opportunity to conduct testing and observations of fucoidan nanoparticle samples using SEM.

The team stayed for a day and did the testing together with our SEM laboratory assistant. In total 6 samples were tested and studied.


Two students from Udayana University accepted for internships

MERO Foundation accepted two PKL students from Marine Science from Udayana University, for internships from September 1 until October 15, 2021. They are 7th semester students with their study topic proposals being as follows.

  1. Inarya Bastyana
    • Antibacterial tests against nudibranch symbiont bacteria.
  2. Rahel Regina
    • Antibacterial test against sponge symbiont bacteria.

Three students from Brawijaya University accepted for internships

MERO Foundation accepted three PKL students from Marine Science, Brawijaya University, for an internship starting on June 28 until August 13, 2021. They are 6th semester students with their study topic proposals being as follows.

  1. Chika Edenia
    • Antibacterial tests against nudibranch symbiont bacteria.
  2. Alfir Yuda
    • Antibacterial test against sponge symbiont bacteria.
  3. Rasya Jauhar
    • DNA visualization of nudibranch symbiont bacteria.

PPKI Study project by Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih

“Potential of Marine Invertebrate Association Microbes as Biological Agents in Efforts to Control Multidrug Resistance (MDR) Infectious Diseases”

This project by Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih is a collaborative effort between MERO Foundation and Diponegoro University, Bogor Agricultural University, and Bandung Institute of Technology. The project is part of the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program (PPKI) in 2021.

The project studies the potential of marine invertebrate-associated microbes against Multi Drug Resistance (MDR) bacteria.


Nudibranch Survey

We are collecting data on nudibranchs from a single area, including length and abundance, type of substrate, depth, type of food, and water conditions. The area under observation is 40×15 m2 and reaches a depth of 5–20 m. Nudibranchs are captured with underwater cameras and identified using the Second Edition Nudibranch & Sea Slug: Indo-Pacific book.

The survey started in the first week of February and will continue into the next year while we obtain the aforementioned data on nudibranchs based on seasonal differences.

Grants and Events

MERO Foundation’s 2nd Grand Opening

On June 29, 2021, MERO Foundation hosted the 2nd Grand Opening event with the Forum Dekan Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan Indonesia (FP2TPKI) as a virtual meeting. The Head FP2TPKI of the National Deans Organization, Prof. La Sara, graciously opened the meeting and welcomed the efforts of the MERO Foundation to support and spur the development of marine research in Indonesia through the provision of supporting laboratories for research. Following came an opening statement from the Founder of the MERO Foundation, Dr. Rahmadi Prasetyo, who explained the Vision and Mission of the MERO Foundation.

Topics that were discussed included the opportunities that the MERO Foundation provides and could provide in the future, such as Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), internships, research, workshops, and more. Additionally, the potential of educational programs for the local Tulamben community such as Sunday Class for Kids, Plastic Exchange, and Beach Cleaning with the Batuniti Fisherman Group were also discussed.


Internship Students

In June of 2021, we were joined by three Marine Science students from the Brawijaya University who are doing their internships (PKL, Praktek Kerja Lapang) with us. Throughout the 60 days that they are with us, they are expertly guided as they complement the theoretical knowledge that they gained from prior lectures at the MERO Foundation into practical experience and insight. The students along with their research topics are:

  • Mochammad Alfir Yuanda
    Antimicrobial Activity of Sponge-associated Bacteria
  • Rasya Jauhar Parama Hanafi
    DNA Extraction of Nudibranch-associated Bacteria
  • Chika Edenia
    Antibacterial Activity of Nudibranch-associated Bacteria against Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Bacteria

As part of their internship, they create weekly progress reports that help them visualize, reflect on, and discuss their learning progress. In addition, one of them took the opportunity to partake in a diving course that we provide, one of the additional benefits to studying at MERO Foundation!

We wish them the best of luck in completing their internships!

Weekly Progress Report
Antibacterial Test Preparation

In June of 2021, we were joined by three Marine Science students from the Brawijaya University who are doing their internships (PKL, Praktek Kerja Lapang) with us. Throughout the 60 days that they are with us, they are expertly guided as they complement the theoretical knowledge that they gained from prior lectures at the MERO Foundation into practical experience and insight. The students along with their research topics are:

  • Mochammad Alfir Yuanda
    Antimicrobial Activity of Sponge-associated Bacteria
  • Rasya Jauhar Parama Hanafi
    DNA Extraction of Nudibranch-associated Bacteria
  • Chika Edenia
    Antibacterial Activity of Nudibranch-associated Bacteria against Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Bacteria

As part of their internship, they create weekly progress reports that help them visualize, reflect on, and discuss their learning progress. In addition, one of them took the opportunity to partake in a diving course that we provide, one of the additional benefits to studying at MERO Foundation!

Weekly Progress Report

We are confident in their abilities and we wish them best of luck in completing their internships!


River & Beach Clean-up

As part of our ongoing effort to increase environmental awareness, MERO Foundation runs the River and Coastal Clean Up community project. Since June 2021, we set out every first day of each month to clean the ±100 m river area and ±300 m long beach around MERO Foundation of plastic waste. This activity has been attended by the Batu Niti Fisherman Group, residents of Banjar Dinas Muntig, village children, volunteers, Marine Science students from Brawijaya University, and all employees of the MERO Foundation.

From the two times that this activity took place, we collected ±140 kg of plastic! It consisted of single-use plastic bottles, shampoo wrappers, cloth, sandals, diapers, ropes, hooks, and fishing line. By maintaining this tradition, we hope to minimize the accumulation of plastic waste on river banks and beaches and increase public awareness to the large quantities of plastic that we dispose of improperly.

We thank everyone who participated and helped clean up our environment. Spread the word!


The Potential of Marine Invertebrate Microbes as Agents in the Prevention of Multidrug-resistant Diseases

Throughout March, 2021, MERO Foundation began a collaborative project with Diponegoro University, the Technology Bandung Institute, and the Farming Bogor Institute. The goal: to study the potential of marine invertebrate microbes as agents in the prevention of multidrug-resistant (MDR) diseases. The project will run for a year and includes marine exploration and sampling of associate marine invertebrate microbes at Tulamben, Bali. This is a unique and exciting new opportunity for the Indonesian science and medical community because this is a first look at genomes of potential anti-MDR producing isolates native to Indonesia. As part of this project, the MERO Laboratory will be used by Diponegoro University for microbiological compound isolation, by the Technology Bandung Institute for chemical structure identification, and by the Farming Bogor Institute for molecular identification.

Understanding the structure of active compounds from isolates as potential anti-MDR agents opens the door for follow-up studies, scientific discoveries, and medical breakthroughs for Indonesia. We are excited to proceed with this collaborative study. Be sure to visit this page frequently for updates!


The Potential of Marine Invertebrate Microbes as Agents in the Prevention of Multidrug-resistant Diseases

Throughout March, 2021, MERO Foundation began a collaborative project with Diponegoro University, the Technology Bandung Institute, and the Farming Bogor Institute. The goal: to study the potential of marine invertebrate microbes as agents in the prevention of multidrug-resistant (MDR) diseases. The project will run for a year and includes marine exploration and sampling of associate marine invertebrate microbes at Tulamben, Bali. This is a unique and exciting new opportunity for the Indonesian science and medical community because this is a first look at genomes of potential anti-MDR producing isolates native to Indonesia. As part of this project, the MERO Laboratory will be used by Diponegoro University for microbiological compound isolation, by the Technology Bandung Institute for chemical structure identification, and by the Farming Bogor Institute for molecular identification.

Understanding the structure of active compounds from isolates as potential anti-MDR agents opens the door for follow-up studies, scientific discoveries, and medical breakthroughs for Indonesia. We are excited to proceed with this collaborative study. Be sure to visit this page frequently for updates!


Plastic Waste Exchange

On Wednesday, March 2021, MERO Foundation visited the Kubu District Office to discuss and collaboratively brainstorm for the upcoming program in Banjar Muntig: Plastic Exchange. The program aims to create a central point for locals to exchange plastic trash that has been separated with rice. Plastic trash is a major environmental problem and with this program, MERO Foundation hopes to equip local communities with the opportunity and incentive to dispose of plastic trash collectively and as environmentally friendly as possible. This may also help local communities economically at a time when we still feel the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The program is funded by your generous donations. MERO Foundation greatly appreciates donations of any size that go directly towards the funding of the Plastic Exchange program. Would you like to contribute to Plastic Exchange with a donation and allow it to keep running? You can by using the following bank information to do so:

Mandiri Bank

Atas nama
Yayasan Edukasi dan Riset Kelautan

The MERO Foundation team greatly appreciates your support, thank you!


Bacterial Symbionts of Nudibranch

The MERO research laboratory currently hosts research on the bacterial symbionts of nudibranch. The project has passed the isolation stage of nudibranch bacteria with 40 pure isolate bacteria discovered. It is being followed up by antibacterial tests against multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria. Finally, a mass culture will be carried out to determine the effects of extracts on pigment bacteria.

Additionally, we run an annual survey to determine the distribution and abundance of nudibranchs.


Coastal Cleaning Up &
Sunday Classes for Children of Muntig Village

MERO Foundation is also actively involved in local development in Muntig Village, Tulamben. Our weekly community development programs are Coastal Cleaning Up and Sunday Classes for Children of Muntig Village. This program is in collaboration with Gede Antara, who is an ambitious village youth active with the Wins Foundation.

Our next hope is by running the two programs that are in the process, plastic waste in the Muntig Village environmental area can be managed and processed as well as possible so it will be useful for local villagers and reduce the amount of plastic waste in the surrounding environment.